Latest News from NPR
Up to 50% of Europeans died from the plague. Now a new study shows that those who lived had a protective gene mutation they passed on to bolster immunity — but it comes at a cost.(Image credit: Matt...
Las leyes que restringen el aborto están afectando la vida de las personas en formas grandes y pequeñas. Si han tenido un impacto en su vida o en la vida de su familia, NPR quiere oir de usted.(Image...
Christian Secor, a former UCLA student and follower of the far-right racist livestreamer Nick Fuentes, was sentenced on Wednesday for obstructing congress during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.(Image credit...
Latest news from the Southern Education Desk
The importance of quality preschool is at the center of a heated debate across the country — especially here in the south. Research shows disadvantaged kids who get a goo dose of preschool...
At first glance, research on preschool may appear conflicting. A Vanderbilt University shows preschool students are 80-percent better prepared for school than their peers - especially in literacy and...
Alabama's governor has signed the state's controversial Accountability Act; a judge is asking Georgia's Supreme Court for a ruling on the governor's decision to replace six school board members;...