ULM online MBA named nation’s “Best Buy” | ULM Forum 10-5-12

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Anyone looking at an online MBA while keeping a day job faces a huge number of choices. How flexible are the classes? How many classes can I take at a time and still see my kids at night? And the big one: how much is it all going to cost?

The University of Louisiana at Monroe has just been ranked at the number one “best buy” among accredited programs by GetEducated.com. The consumer group publishes online college and university rankings based on affordability and credibility.

The ranking is based on a comprehensive review of 139 online MBA programs nationwide in the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) accreditation class.

Coming in at $8,990, ULM’s online MBA received an “A” affordability grade, and the top spot on the national list.
Ron Berry said  “Because of our accreditation through AACSB-International, the premier business accrediting body in the world, we have always known that our MBA program is one of the best,”.
Being designated as a “best buy” indicates the degree program has been independently reviewed, and found to offer a high quality online degree at a cost well below the national average. 
Air Date: Fri, 10/05/2012