Free Memory Assesments To Benfit Seniors | ULM Forum 7-27-12

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Aging comes with certain changes to brain chemistry. A new study that will help researchers understand aging is underway at the University of Louisiana at Monroe. Partnering with Penninton Biomedical Research, the study offers free screenings to adults over 60 at the ULM Institute of Gerontology.

The screenings will help advance memory and language testing, and help in early detection of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.
Dr. Bill McCown, interim director of ULM Graduate Studies and Research, and Dr. Karen Kopera-Frye, Biedenharn Endowed Chair of Gerontology say that participants will be asked to return in a year to track progression and to see if any changes have occurred since the first test.
The study is one of the largest studies of its kind in the nation aiming to develop tools for early detection and to develop preventative measures for treatment.

Individuals over the age of 60, who have never suffered a stroke or serious head injury and have no previous diagnosis of dementia, are encouraged to enroll for testing associated with the study.

Individuals cannot currently be taking any medications for memory.


The benefits of enrolling include free annual cognitive testing after the initial screening, and the earliest possible detection of any cognitive difficulties or deficiencies that could potentially indicate dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. 

Those in northeast Louisiana who feel this testing may be helpful are urged to participate in these screenings, which are taking place on the ULM campus.

 To learn more about the study, call toll free 1-877-276-8306 or email

To schedule an appointment on the ULM campus, please call Wanda Honey at 318-342-1465.

Air Date: Fri, 07/27/2012